Sunday, October 2, 2011

2011 fashion symposium

 In April 2011, I attended the 2011 Fashion Symposium Competition and Fashion Show
for California Community College Fashion Students which was held downtown at the
Fashion Mart.

The theme of the symposium was Re-Imagine, Re-Purpose, Re-Design Our World.  The Symposium featured guest speakers and opportunities for one-on-one interaction with fashion leaders.   The competitions were for  8 categories which were pre-judged, and  2 categories - Denim Deconstruction and Accessories - which were judged live. There were three categories for the Fashion Show - Red Carpet, Repurposed and Sportswear.

Pasadena City College was well represented at
the show with various students winning prizes
for many of the categories.

As a neophyte student, it was particularly interesting.  The Denim Deconstruction allowed
groups of students to rip apart jeans and reconfigure
into an interesting and creative new design.  This
was carried out in specially allocated rooms upstairs prior to the fashion show. 

A room full of board presentations really took my
eye.  At this point, we had not done a board in class
so it was a little overwhelming seeing the level
of artistry and creativity and factual and deduced
knowledge that was put into the boards. 

In 2012 I am hoping to submit my own designs
and boards!!

photos courtesy of stephanie flack

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